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Thesis Writing: Conceptual Framework

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Conceptual Framework

From the review of related literature and studies, the researcher may formulate a theoretical scheme for his research problem. This scheme is a tentative explanation or theoretical explanation of the phenomenon or problem and serves as the basis for the formulation research hypotheses. Thus, the conceptual framework consists of the investigator’s own position on a problem after his exposure to various theories that have bearing on the problem. It is the researcher’s new model which has its roots on the previous models which the researcher had studied. (Sanchez, pp. 14-15)

The conceptual framework becomes the central theme, the focus, the main thrust of the study. It serves as a guide in conducting investigation. Briefly stated, the conceptual framework for the teaching of science can be: The effectiveness of a science instructional program depends upon the qualifications of the teachers, the effectiveness of their methods and strategies of teaching, the adequacy of facilities, the adequacy of supervisory assistance, and the elimination of the problems hampering the progress.

Currently, however, most theses do not have a discussion of their conceptual frameworks. Very few thesis writers endeavor to include an explanation of their conceptual framework in their theses.

Paradigm. A paradigm is a diagrammatic representation of a conceptual framework. It depicts in a more vivid way what the conceptual framework wants to convey. Following are examples of a paradigm for the conceptual framework for the teaching of science as mentioned above. A paradigm may take different diagrammatic forms.

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